expression44 > SLD갤러리

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Masri Hayssam | expression44

페이지 정보

작성자 captain4e 작성일20-10-06 23:23 조회1,633회 댓글0건



Italian Lebanese Artist. The artist was born in Tripolis-Lebanon.
He moved to Italy in 1990.

Since June 2016 live in Dallas -Texas.
Most of his childhood at young age he experienced during a bloody civil war for fifteen years. His works can be divided into different periods and different series of works.
"I am always on the move discovering something artistically new and impressive; something significant with an eye-opening impact on the human psyche; something that does not let monotony and rote repetition take hold of my soul and the flow of my thoughts. This insatiable and agonizing feeling of unexpressed great potential inside of me.

It is easy for one to be haughty, vainglorious and pretentious, but to be humble needs deep understanding to the universal truth in the conscience of the universe.

Artwork information :

10. expression44 - 40x50cm-mixed media on canvas 2019

[이 게시물은 SLD님에 의해 2020-11-09 14:27:03 행복갤러리에서 이동 됨]


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