최초의 지도선장(First map Capitan) > SLD갤러리

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유충열 | 최초의 지도선장(First map Capitan)

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작성자 captain4e 작성일20-09-10 14:59 조회3,368회 댓글0건


" 당신이 대한민국 Captain 입니다"

지도선장 시리즈 : "지도선장의 오대양 육대주 대항해"

​작품정보 : (최초의 지도선장)
1. First map Capitan, Oil on Canvas, 51.5 x 61 cm, 1985, 06
2. First Compass Map Captain, Oil on Canvas, 93 x 61 cm, 1985. 06

그동안 " 당신이 대한민국 Captain 입니다"의 타이틀을 걸고  지도선장 시리즈 : "지도선장의 오대양 육대주 대항해" 로 진행되었던 지도선장 온라인 개인전시회는 여기에서 일단락됩니다.

처음 함께 온라인 전시회를 시작했던  Gloria Keh와 Martin Fu에게 감사를 드리며 함께해준 친애하는 Abdolreza Rabet, Safa Büte, Masri Hayssam, Fred van Welie, Star Trauth, Arrachme Art, Marija Tanaskovic Papadopoulos 에게 감사의 마음을 전합니다.

행복갤러리 정영진 소장님의 배려로 주최된 이번 온라인 국제 전시회는 앞으로도 계속 이어서 역량있는 외국작가 위주로 진행됩니다

뜻깊은 온라인 전시회를 기획, 진행해주신 행복연구소 정영진 소장님께 감사의 말씀을 올립니다. 2020. 09.10
- Google translation -

"You are the Captain of Korea"

Captain Series: "The Captain's Sailing Against the Five Oceans and Six Majorities"

​Article information: (first captain)
1.First map Capitan, Oil on Canvas, 51.5 x 61 cm, 1985, 06
2.First Compass Map Captain, Oil on Canvas, 93 x 61 cm, June 1985

The captain's online solo exhibition, which has been under the title of "You are the Captain of the Republic of Korea" in the series: "The Captain's Voyage against the Five Oceans and Six Majorities" will be closed here.

Thanks to Gloria Keh and Martin Fu, who first started the online exhibition together, and thank you to our dear Abdolreza Rabet, Safa Büte, Masri Hayssam, Fred van Welie, Star Trauth, Arrachme Art, and Marija Tanaskovic Papadopoulos for joining us.

This online international exhibition, hosted with the consideration of Young-jin Jeong, the director of the Happy Gallery, will continue to be held in the future, focusing on competent foreign artists.

We would like to express our gratitude to Young-jin Jung, Director of the Happiness Research Center, for planning and conducting a meaningful online exhibition. 2020. 09.10

[이 게시물은 SLD님에 의해 2020-10-04 22:09:03 행복갤러리에서 이동 됨]


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