Abdolreza Rabeti - Iran > SLD갤러리

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Abdolreza Rabeti | Abdolreza Rabeti - Iran

페이지 정보

작성자 captain4e 작성일20-06-17 16:15 조회1,355회 댓글0건


Abdolreza Rabeti - Iran

Born in 1964 , artistic activities in painting, sculpture and calligraphy

* Member of ArtNations Art Association in Munich until 2017
* Honorary member of the International Culture and Arts Federation Haegeumgang Theme Museum, South Korea.
* Honorary experts member The Committee for Advancement of Art and Culture Korea.
* Member of the Association for International Peace and Art Community of Portugal.
* Print a painting of me between 12 selected works, 2015 calendar of Munich (Element).
* Art Secretary of several national exhibitions and several international exhibitions.
* I were between 34 invited artists from different countries for participation the "Sagres "International Festival in Portugal.
* Participation in several international festival and exhibition in museums and cities of south Korea : Hanam, Seoul, Busan,
Gansun,Yeosu and Geoje from 2015 to 2019.
* Attending the International mother in a frame in “2019” in the Netherlands
* Attending the International Portrait of the Artist in "2018" in the Netherlands.
* Participation in the International Exhibition of Contemporary Gallery "England June 2017.
* Participation in the International Art Reaction Exhibition at the British Mardi Gourmet Gallery May 2017.
* Attending the Belgian International Painting Exhibition on Solidarity and Hope on January 13, 2017.
* Participation in the International Visual Arts Exhibition in the Museum of Kumanovo Art in Macedonia, summer 2016.
* Participation in the international exhibition of visual arts in Ponte Dlima, Portugal from July 2016.
* Participation in other festivals and exhibitions : 2015 Portugal , 2014 Spanish , 2014 Germany Munich ,2013 Germany Munich ,2011
Brasil ,2010 museum Navada USA , Institute of global Art, Tehran, 1389 ,Shahada museum in Tehran 1388 and..


작품 정보 :

2. my sky, 90×90 cm Acrylic on canvas  2019

3. Human and erosion,  Acrylic on canvas  90×90 cm 2019

[이 게시물은 SLD님에 의해 2020-10-04 22:08:15 행복갤러리에서 이동 됨]


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