Boat 1 - Martin Fu > SLD갤러리

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Martin Fu | Boat 1 - Martin Fu

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작성자 captain4e 작성일20-05-31 23:38 조회1,582회 댓글0건




>> Boat l

>> Oil on board

>> 19.5 inches x 23 inches

Year: Between 1950 to 1957

Artist: Martin Fu (deceased)

Country: Singapore


Description: The late artist enjoyed painting on location on Sundays.

He would pack his easel and paints,

and ride his motorbike to join his artist friends to paint. Often he would paint

wooden boats in the old Singapore harbour.


The late Mr Martin Fu


An oil painter, Martin Fu was born in Singapore in 1915. 

He loved to paint with oils but could never afford canvases.

So he painted on wooden boards. 

Financially, he was a poor man but lived a very rich life as he enjoyed classical music and European opera,

ballet music and reading about the art masters.

Unable to support his family through selling his paintings,

he worked as a commercial artist in an advertising agency, making layouts for advertisements.

He lived and died in Singapore in 1997.


Martin Fu는 싱가포르의 예술가 Gloria Keh의 아버지 이며 화가이다.
그는 생전에 가난한 화가의 삶을 살았지만
그의  딸이며 화가인 Gloria Keh의 첫번째 스승이며
그녀의 아버지에 대한 그리움과 열망에 더하여
SLD 행복연구소 정영진소장님의 배려로
뜻깊은 한국에서의 온라인 전시회를 갖게 되었다.
생전에 그가 남겼던 유작들이 이번 온라인 전시회를 통해 최초로 공개됩니다.
한국에서의 온라인 전시회를 축하드립니다.


Google translation :

Martin Fu is the father and painter of Singaporean artist Gloria Keh.
He lived a poor painter's life in his lifetime.
The first teacher of his daughter and painter Gloria Keh
In addition to her longing and longing for her father
SLD happy to Jung, Young - Jin Institute Warden of Care
I had a significant online exhibition in Korea.
The works he left behind in his life are revealed for the first time through this online exhibition.
Congratulations to the online exhibition in Korea.

[이 게시물은 SLD님에 의해 2020-10-04 22:08:37 행복갤러리에서 이동 됨]


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